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Kid's Ministries




Wednesday Activities

Sunday Activities


Open every Sunday for ages birth - until potty trained

From birth until potty trained. We have great Nursery volunteers who look over your children while you attend your Wednesday night class!

3-5 year old Kids Church at 10:30! Where they will hear a lesson, do a craft, enjoy some fast worship and have a snack!

K-5th Grade Kid's Church at 10:30! The kids will have a lesson, enter in to some fast and slow worship, be given the opportunity for prayer time and enjoy some fun games as well!

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This is for kids ages Pre-K - 5th grade and it is designed for kids who have BIG questions about God! We will learn key truths that God teaches us about Himself, His world, and His relationship with us. Kids will learn through hands on object lessons, fun activities, and videos that will engage kids with their minds, hearts, creativity and more!

Come and join us Wednesdays at 6:30pm!



3 year old's - 5th grade we have Sunday school at 9:30! This is a great small group environment where kids can learn about God and make some friends along the way!

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